During today's podcast on Back Porch Theology we're exploring one of the greatest leaders in the history of God's people who just so happens to be a chick named Deb! She was both a judge and a prophetess. Which means she was kind of like a president and pastor rolled into one - the entire prone-to-wander nation of Israel turned to her for leadership, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. And another unlikely heroine makes her debut during Deborah's timeline, too. Her name was Jael and let me tell you, that woman was LEGIT - she could have held her own against a burly, tatted MMA fighter twice her size! Even though these women's stories take place long before David's in redemptive history, they illustrate what God said to Samuel about Davey when he was anointed to be the future king of Israel before he even started shaving, "People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." In other words, God delights in using misfits in miraculous ways. Don't forget, the book of Judges was a bleak chapter in the history of God's people - there was no king on the throne, the Word of God was not being taught in the land, and most people were doing whatever crooked little hearts desired. It looked as if their toes were hanging over the edge of obscurity. And based on their rebellion and idolatry, they deserved to be fried into greased spots of oblivion by some divine lightning bolt. Instead, our Heavenly Father inserts a couple of unlikely heroes into their drama, which results in an epic military victory as well as a national revival. The brightest mornings often follow the darkest nights when we give God the sole authorship of our story. It a great day to hang out on the porch, so please grab your favorite beverage, your Bible, and a snack and come prop your feet up with us. We love getting to spend this time with you.
What if faith looked more like an adventure than a checklist? Today Bob and his friend, John Eldredge, dig into what it means to live courageously, love deeply, and follow Jesus with joy. They chat about legacy, the power of connection, and why a playful faith just might be the most powerful kind. If you're ready to trade fear for freedom and step into a life of bold love, this episode is your invitation.
Connect with John: instagram.com/wildatheart
Grab your copy of "Experience Jesus. Really.": https://wildatheart.org/books/experience-jesus-really
Connect with Bob: instagram.com/bobgoff
Come join Bob and some of his friends for a workshop this fall! Visit bobgoff.com/events to learn more.
During today's conversation on Back Porch Theology we're diving into our second in a series called The Theology of ROAR that explores the cyclical, increasingly damaging nature of unconfessed sin. Unbridled rebellion is like a hoard of hungry termites on a piece of damp wood, it eats away at our emotional and relational integrity until there's nothing left but dust and regret. But here's the great news, throughout human history God has consistently interrupted the chaos of our rebellion with His compassionate spirit. And when Holy Spirit permeates our conscious, we become not simply cognizant that we're unwell, we become aware that our Creator is also our Healer. Contrary to the flawed reasoning of many in modern culture, a heightened awareness of our own sin nature doesn't lead to depression, instead it shifts our fallenness into the realm of real hope! It's what Jesus was talking about in Mark chapter two when He said, "Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners." Today we're going to get up close and personal with a dude who did just that. He started out as a weenie but ended up an epic warrior in God's kingdom, once again proving that you can start bad and end up awesome when grace invades your story. We're so grateful you've carved out this time to hang out on the porch with us; getting to lean into the unconditional love of God with y'all has become a habit we hope we don't ever have to break! Which reminds me, if you haven't already, will you please subscribe to BPT on whatever app you use to listen to podcasts? Your subscriptions ensure that Alli, Dr. Howard and I get to keep doing this podcast, so thank you very, very much.
This week on the podcast we're turning our attention to a favorite passage of mine found in Matthew chapter 6: "Give us this day our daily bread." No prayer better summarizes our relationship with God than this expression of trust. God's treatment of fear has always been trust. These are fear-filled days, aren't they? We see it in newscasts and on our neighbors' faces. We're anxious. So, I can't think of a more appropriate phrase to focus on than this simple, profound prayer of trust.
In this episode, Christine Caine explores the pursuit of wisdom-how seeking God's perspective changes everything in a world that feels chaotic and uncertain. She dives into James 1 to reveal why wisdom doesn't just fall into our laps but must be actively pursued and unpacks the role of trials in strengthening our faith, reminding us that endurance is built in the middle of challenges. No matter what you're facing, this episode will encourage you to stay the course, seek wisdom, and trust that God is working in your life for His greater purpose.
Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.
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Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.
Our topic for this episode is God's greatest gift to us, grace. I've preached a lot of sermons on grace, I've written a few books on grace, but I never get tired of talking about this gift of being made right with God through his grace. As perfectly summarized in 1 Corinthians 5:18-21, "All this is from God. Through Christ, God made peace between us and himself, and God gave us the work of telling everyone about the peace we can have with him. God was in Christ, making peace between the world and himself. In Christ, God did not hold the world guilty of its sins. And he gave us this message of peace. So we have been sent to speak for Christ. It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God. Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could become right with God."
In this episode, Christine Caine unpacks powerful lessons from the story of David and Goliath, revealing what it takes to trust God in the face of fear, opposition, and doubt. David didn't rely on his own strength-he placed his full confidence in God, even when others questioned or dismissed him. Through this story, Christine reminds us that God is always preparing us for the things He has prepared for us, and the condition of our hearts matters more than our gifts or talents. If you've ever felt unseen, misunderstood, or afraid to step out in faith, this episode will encourage you to trust God more than the obstacles before you and the opinions around you.
Get your free reflection guide here.
+ + + + +
Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.
During today's conversation on Back Porch Theology we're diving into a new series called The Theology of ROAR - that's an acronym for Rebellion, Oppression, Asking for God’s Forgiveness, and Restoration. And you’re going to need to buckle your seat belts for this one because we’re taking an exegetical tour through a really tumultuous time in redemptive history when there was no king on the throne, the Word of God was not being taught in the land, and people were doing whatever their crooked little hearts desired. It was essentially the Wild West of idolatry and rebellion, which quickly led to bondage and oppression, and finally - when God’s image bearers were sick of being flat on their face in the stinky muck of their consequences - they looked up and asked Him to forgive them. And He did...over and over again. Fortunately for humanity, the Bible is riddled with true stories that illustrate how a thimbleful of sincere repentance has the power to unleash an avalanche of divine restoration. Sin is anything but innocuous, y’all - it robs us of peace, shoplifts our joy, fertilizes addictive and narcissistic behavioral patterns, which erode trust and intimacy with our friends and families, and worst still sin creates heartbreaking distance between us and the God who loves us more than we can ask or imagine. And yet His grace is greater still. There is no confessed sin so grievous that it has the power to permanently catapult outside of our Savior’s ability to redeem the ruins of our lives into something truly beautiful. Where there’s real repentance, there is always restoration. Remember how Holy Spirit often manifests as wind in both the Old and New Testament canons? Well, I think some saints are going to get a fresh gust of it in their sagging sails today; no matter what lies the enemy has been whispering to you in the dark when you feel completely alone and like the last drop of hope is draining out of the colander of your heart, I promise, this doesn’t have to be the end of your story. Today’s going to be a good day on the porch and we’re very grateful we get to spend it with you. So please grab a cup of coffee and your Bible and come lean into some fresh grace with us.
In this episode, host Christine Caine sits down with Lisa Harper to dive deep into the meaning of Easter and their new Bible study, The Promise and Power of Easter. Lisa and Christine unpack why the resurrection is the most important event in human history and how it impacts our everyday lives. With humor, deep biblical insight, and personal stories, they bring fresh perspective to the Easter story-reminding us that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in us today.
Whether you're looking for a faith boost, a fresh understanding of Easter, or practical ways to live in resurrection power, this conversation will leave you inspired and ready to walk in the fullness of what Jesus paid for!
Why Easter Is More Than a Holiday
Christine and Lisa discuss how Easter isn't just a religious event-it's the foundation of our faith. They explore how modern culture often minimizes the resurrection, when in reality, it's the most transformational moment in history.
Resurrection Power for Everyday Life
Christine and Lisa talk about how the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us (Romans 8:11) and why that reality should transform the way we live, pray, and trust God.
Addressing Doubts: Is the Resurrection Real?
For those struggling with doubt, Lisa shares historical and biblical evidence for the resurrection, including how 11 of the 12 disciples were willing to die rather than deny what they had seen.
Living in the Light of Easter
Christine and Lisa discuss the activation of Easter-how we are called to not just believe in Jesus' resurrection, but to step into the power it brings. They also reflect on Acts 1 and why Easter doesn't stop at the Gospels-it continues through the Holy Spirit empowering believers today.
Follow Lisa Harper, @LisaDHarper
Get The Promise and Power of Easter at ChristineCaine.com/Easter
Follow Christine @ChristineCaine
Get your FREE reflection guide for journaling prompts or use it as a discussion guide with your community at PropelWomen.org/Podcast.
Subscribe now so you don't miss an episode, and don't forget to leave a review! See you next week on the Propel Women Life & Leadership Podcast.
You can connect with us further at PropelWomen.org or on Instagram, Facebook, X, and Threads @PropelWomen. We can't wait to hang out with you in your car, during your workout, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Propel Women is an initiative of Equip & Empower Ministries founded by Christine Caine.
We EMPOWER women with biblical wisdom and encouragement, EQUIP women with practical training and education, and MOBILIZE women by providing hands-on leadership opportunities.
No matter where a woman has influence - in an office, in her community, at home with her family, or in ministry - Propel is driven by a calling to equip and mobilize women to become effective co-laborers with Christ and make a difference within their unique spheres of influence.
In this heartfelt episode of "Hey! It's The Luskos," Levi and Jennie Lusko sit down with Brian and Jenn Johnson from Bethel Music. Tune in as they explore the Johnsons' journey in music, their experiences as worship leaders, and the stories behind their impactful songs. From discussing the intricacies of their latest album to personal anecdotes that have shaped their ministry and marriage, this episode offers a unique glimpse into the lives of two influential figures in contemporary worship music.
Connect with us on social!
Brian: @brianjohnsonm
Jenn: @jennjohnson20
Levi: @levilusko
Jennie: @jennielusko
Fresh Life Church: @freshlife
Listen to "We Must Respond": https://bit.ly/4kiB4Bi
Jenn's favorite vocal warm-up: https://bit.ly/4ijW9tj
Get the 5 Gallon Bucket: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHY
Get the Lusketeer Sticker: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHY
Subscribe for more exclusive content: https://levilusko.com/hitl-subscribe
Want to be on the next Q&A episode? Send us your questions! https://bit.ly/3RonhJI
05:30 - Crafting Worship
10:15 - Journey in Music
15:50 - Creative Inspirations
21:40 - Spiritual Connections
28:05 - Future Projects
33:20 - Balancing Ministry and Family
In this episode, host Christine Caine sits down with Lisa Harper to dive deep into the meaning of Easter and their new Bible study, The Promise and Power of Easter. Lisa and Christine unpack why the resurrection is the most important event in human history and how it impacts our everyday lives. With humor, deep biblical insight, and personal stories, they bring fresh perspective to the Easter story-reminding us that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in us today.
Whether you're looking for a faith boost, a fresh understanding of Easter, or practical ways to live in resurrection power, this conversation will leave you inspired and ready to walk in the fullness of what Jesus paid for!
Why Easter Is More Than a Holiday
Christine and Lisa discuss how Easter isn't just a religious event-it's the foundation of our faith. They explore how modern culture often minimizes the resurrection, when in reality, it's the most transformational moment in history.
Resurrection Power for Everyday Life
Christine and Lisa talk about how the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us (Romans 8:11) and why that reality should transform the way we live, pray, and trust God.
Addressing Doubts: Is the Resurrection Real?
For those struggling with doubt, Lisa shares historical and biblical evidence for the resurrection, including how 11 of the 12 disciples were willing to die rather than deny what they had seen.
Living in the Light of Easter
Christine and Lisa discuss the activation of Easter-how we are called to not just believe in Jesus' resurrection, but to step into the power it brings. They also reflect on Acts 1 and why Easter doesn't stop at the Gospels-it continues through the Holy Spirit empowering believers today.
Follow Lisa Harper, @LisaDHarper
Get The Promise and Power of Easter at ChristineCaine.com/Easter
Follow Christine @ChristineCaine
Get your FREE reflection guide for journaling prompts or use it as a discussion guide with your community at PropelWomen.org/Podcast.
Subscribe now so you don't miss an episode, and don't forget to leave a review! See you next week on the Propel Women Life & Leadership Podcast.
You can connect with us further at PropelWomen.org or on Instagram, Facebook, X, and Threads @PropelWomen. We can't wait to hang out with you in your car, during your workout, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Propel Women is an initiative of Equip & Empower Ministries founded by Christine Caine.
We EMPOWER women with biblical wisdom and encouragement, EQUIP women with practical training and education, and MOBILIZE women by providing hands-on leadership opportunities.
No matter where a woman has influence - in an office, in her community, at home with her family, or in ministry - Propel is driven by a calling to equip and mobilize women to become effective co-laborers with Christ and make a difference within their unique spheres of influence.
"What does your wardrobe say about your heart? Can fashion reflect faith and inner beauty?"
In Episode 4 Candace, Natasha and Allie dive into questions about fashion and modesty.
How do you handle the pressure of fashion choices? It's not just about trends but a reflection of creativity and the heart.
True beauty comes from within. What does it mean to dress in a way that reflects Christ rather than seeking validation from others?
Today's listener question comes from Kelly, who asks, "How do we install confidence in kids?"
We can hardly believe we've come to the end of this series called the Theology of Worship! I hope it's encouraged you as much as it's encouraged us. Sometimes I found myself white-knuckling it in order to hang onto love, joy, peace and hope during all the public discord and rancor of 2024, so it's been really lovely to start out 2025 with this deep dive into worship. It's been like an oasis, where much like the woman at the well I've encountered Living Water and have experienced renewal that I wasn't even aware my heart was yearning for until it found me. Modern theologian John Ortberg wisely said, "I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on." We're wrapping up this series with a super special bow because Jeremy and Adie Camp let Alli and me twist their arms and they've come back to help us seal that sense of wonder and gratitude that comes with being a fully devoted worshipper of Jesus Christ. So please grab a cup of coffee, your Bible, a journal and make sure you're wearing your comfy pants because today's going to be like a spiritual spa day for your heart. Thanks so much for pulling a chair up to the porch with us, we're glad you're here.
How can we find healing in the midst of our most challenging seasons?
In this episode of The High Note, Tauren sits down with Carl Lentz to discuss his incredible journey through pain, growth, and redemption. Carl shares candid insights on his struggles with regret, the impact of past failures, and how he navigated through one of the most public downfalls in church history. They dive deep into the process of rebuilding after brokenness, the power of authenticity, and how God can redeem the darkest moments. This is a powerful conversation about finding peace and purpose, even when life feels like it's falling apart.
Today is our 12th and final biblical pearl for Season 1 of our Pearls Podcast. How in the world do we finish this season? What is the biblical pearl to leave you with for now? How do we end such a rich and generous season in the Word of God together? How do we get up from the biblical table and live forward into our lives today?
I spent quite a bit of time in prayer thinking through what the 12th pearl would be. What is ONE more thing in the "better than" Story of the Bible that I would want impart to you, bless you and wash you with today?
In today's final episode, our biblical pearl is located in John 14: 1-6. These are words in red - the words of Jesus given to his disciples at the Last Supper right before crucifixion and resurrection. It's about to go down and he knows it. What will some of his final words be at this final meal before the Garden of Gethsemane, arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection?
Today we are going to learn about the beit av - the house of the father. THIS is some of the encouragement Jesus chose to give his disciples in this final meal and final hours. The imagery and metaphor, the deep meaning that these words would have held for Jesus and his disciples 2,000 years ago speaks a WORD to us in our own lives today. The promise that Jesus speaks of in these verses are a right now promise for you and me today.
No matter what's going on in your life, now matter how high or low, how deep into sadness, ruin and loss - we are headed to the Father's House.
As we end Season 1 of Pearls, I pray these words get worked into your soul like yeast into dough. Shalom to you and your families.
How can we navigate life's tough transitions and still have strong family relationships?
In this episode of the Girls Under Pressure series, Candace, Allie and Natasha explore the challenges of relationships that don't always go the way we expect.
Allie shares her journey toward getting engaged: "I think that fear of leaving my family... maybe even kept me in a season a little too long."
Natasha talks about a recent season of life in Dallas, driven by a desire for growth and community, highlighting the importance of embracing change and finding people to do life with.
Candace reflects on the end of "Full House" as a major transition, relating it to a form of breakup. This conversation emphasizes the importance of savoring each life season and trusting in God's plans, even when it leads to discomfort.